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She is...

She's the girl whom I adore

She's the person I always long to see

She's the happy in each day

She's the voice that makes me smile

She's the eyes that make me melt

She's the mind that makes me wonder

She's the star that makes me wish

She's the life that makes me live

She's the air that allows me to breathe

She's the light that allows me to see

She's the reason for living on

She's the love that beats my heart

She's the food that keeps me alive

She's the light that brightens my life

She's the sun that warms me up

She's the one that means the most to me.


It's Late

The day is gone

But still far from dawn

I sit all alone

And wait by the phone

Waiting for her to call

Its been a while

Since I've seen her smile

And her beautiful face

Delicate as lace

But she hasn't called yet

I wish she were here

Then we could sit alone

And wait

Wait for nothing at all

Except for life to pass us by

You see we really don't care

As long as we're in a pair

We could do nothing at all

Through winter, spring, summer and fall

As long as we are together

Where is she now?

What is she doing?

Who/what is she thinking about?

Might it be me?

Or am I not that lucky.

Maybe she tried to call

But my phone was off the wall

Maybe I was yacking with someone else

Or maybe my mom was on the phone

And that's the reason I'm alone

Whatever the reason might be

I'll just sit here and be lonely

After all it's late and I'm a bit tired



-You are in a race or some competition, your body yells "stop!", and

you think of her, and your heart yells "keep going for her"

-You place your self 2nd and her 1st

-She is the 1st place trophy for life

-Knowing she'll always be there

-You'd give up everything just to see her, to hear her voice, to touch her hand, or just know she still is there for you

-The touch of her hand cures anything

-A look in her eyes can set you free

-A kiss will allow you to fly

-Just to know that she feels the same is enough to live on forever

-She is you food, drink, and sleep

-She knows you as well as you know yourself

-She is the words you speak

-The thoughts you think

-The colors you see

-The air you breathe

-The life you live for

-She is #1 always

-You can feel her, before you see her

-You want to hold her forever

-You want to hold her until you melt, forever

-Time has no meaning when she is around

-Nothing else matters

-You speak her name just hear how beautiful it is.

-You miss her when she's not around, but you know she's always there with you

-She knows how you feel

-"You" means both of you

-She is the one, you can't describe it, but you know exactly what it is it is



She is everywhere I go.

She is in everything I do

She is attached to every thought

I can't forget her.

She is everywhere.. and everything

I think about her day and night

She is my last thought at night and

my first thought in the morning

Everyone around me thinks I should forget about her and move on

But it is not that simple

I try..... I try very hard

Many times I have told myself

"She's not worth it" "Forget her, there are better"

But, no matter how many times I recite it I can not forget her

She is everywhere and everything

She is my motivation to live and work

She is the muse in my tapestry of life

The Proclaimers said it best in their song "500 Miles"

Through it all there is only 1 problem.....

She doesn't feel the same

Well I don't think she does

For she has never given me a sign to show that she does

Maybe she hides it....

in the bottom of her shoe, or under her bed, or

maybe it is in her back pocket

if it is anywhere at all, as far as I know

To my she is everywhere and everything, but,

to her I am nothing more than just me, just plain me.

I wish I could be her everything

How I would love the chance to hold her in my arms and stare into her

deep, dark eyes and then, maybe if I were allowed,

I could kiss her wonderful lips

then everything would become one and we would be in the center

the world would revolve around us

We would be together in our own little world.

Alone to walk the beaches of life hand-in-hand and heart-in-heart

How I would cherish those days

Unfortunately I don't believe these days well ever come to be.

They, just like other dreams will someday float away on a puffy white cloud, just as they had come

Only to have their places filled by puffy clouds with the like intentions

If this is "puppy love" then real love must be the most powerful and

wonderful feeling there can ever be possible

Maybe some day life well allow me to touch her, or hold her, or hold her hand,

or maybe if I am really lucky, my lips will be able to caress the warm, passionate lips of her.

But until then I can only dream and ride on this puffy white cloud.




To the common observer they are just eyes

but to me they mean much more

They are two beautiful little creations by themselves

Both equal in beauty

but different in their own little way

when I look in them I can see her thoughts

her dreams

and a deep, wonderful thing.

I can't really name it or describe it

but, I know it is the most wonderful and beautiful thing I have ever seen

just like her

Maybe someday after I've stared at it long enough,

a name for it well come to me

until then it will just be called "thing"

They are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen

I just can't describe them as well as I want to

I can imagine sitting there staring at them

Watching them move around on occasion they stop and stare back

but that isn't often and doesn't last long anyway

Maybe someday I will be able to hold the beautiful owner of those eyes

Until then I will just glance at them

hoping that they well glance back at the same time

For that second or less I well be lost

in those perfect, beautiful, enchanting, brown eyes.



I am searching for something

I don't know what it is, but,

I am looking for it.

I'm not sure why I'm looking for it.

I continue on and on.

Searching, Searching, and still searching even more.

Maybe someday I'll find what I am looking for

or at least

know what it is that I am searching for.

Sometimes I just want to forget about it

and go on with life, but,

it keeps tugging at me saying

"find me... find me...."

I wish I knew what I was looking for

Maybe I would know how to go about finding it

Maybe it is a friend I lost or have yet to find,

or maybe it's something I dropped long ago,

or maybe it's an idea I haven't thought yet

or maybe a forgotten one.

Oh well every time I think I'm getting

closer I end up getting further away...



I am being held captive

by someone or something

I see my captor all the time

he/she/it watches over me

taking care of me

occasionally there are bad times and

occasionally good

The entire time I wait

wait for my escape

If I am caught attempting to flee

I am locked up again and punished

I wait for that small moment in

which I can get out

maybe it will never come and I will die here

or maybe he/she/it will release me

Oh well I just keep on being chained

up and enjoy my desolate and solitary

life of waiting

watching the wall and the eyes....



This one isn't about love, but everyone has their off days, so i dedicate this one to those down times in life.



I dream on and on

I dream on and on

getting deeper and deeper into despair

slowly everything is falling aware

it's a nightmare

The pillars that support

are tumbling

the crumbling rocks are becoming sturdy

Why is it all backwards

A mirror image dimension

and it gets worse everyday

Why me why now

I've been reasonably good

Why, Why, WHY....?!?


Someone give me a hand

or anything to hold on to

I am going away and I can't stop

it's a nightmare that doesn't end

No waking moment

No resolution except death

of course death is the ultimate resolution